We see Tony following Diana down a narrow road. Thanks to Harold Loeser who sussed
out this location and e-
After spying on Diana at the run down mansion, Tony returns to his office to find
his ex-
From his office Tony goes back to Villa Vizcaya.
After leaving Kosterman’s, Tony goes to the police department. This may actually been at the Miami or Miami Beach Police Department but it could have also been lots of other places.
Mr. Kosterman gets Tony released and Tony heads over to Ann Archer's room at the Fontainebleau before returning to his marina.
Next Tony goes to a pawn broker which I have not sussed out yet. Then he returns to his office. From there he goes to an insurance office then to Ruyters Lapidary.
This leads him to Queen Jewelers, which he finds is closed.
He approaches the Jewelers by walking by here.
Tony Rome
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Above right: This is what the Queen Jewelers location looked like in September, 2008. 543 Lincoln Road Mall, Miami Beach.
Burn Notice connection: The exact spot where Tony goes to the phone booth and uses the yellow pages. Same spot, current day technology. Leading man Michael walks in from the same direction and buys Cellular phones from a vendor that is in the exact spot that the old time phone booth was located.
Tony gets Jules Langley's Address out of the phonebook. To bad it is not a real life address. Tony next goes to Jules' house and finds trouble.
After a narrow escape Tony heads back to his marina, where he finds Diana on his boat. The next morning he boats over to Villa Vizcaya to bring her home.
Ann directs him to the Flora Dora Club. Where they both go.
Location of the Flora Dora is unknown
Next Tony goes to see Ann Archer at the Fontainebleau.
From the Flora Dora Tony goes to the Star Crest Trailer Park. Location unknown and probably no longer exist.
Tony goes to his friend Lt. Santini’s home. It took some looking but I found this house while working on the sequel, Lady In Cement. This house is in N. Miami in Keystone point. On Keystone Blvd., the last house before the bridge.
Next we go to the construction site of the Four Ambassadors. The scene takes place
at SW 8th Street and Brickell Bay Drive. Now an urban jungle of hi-
They are walking west. Car is facing south on Brickell Bay Drive.
The above picture shows the view as the gunman speeds away (below) in his Catalina.
Next we go to Mt. Sinai Hospital on Alton Rd. in Miami Beach.
Red arrow (below) points to waiting room on 8th floor as seen above. Interior of hospital has been thru a major renovation/ upgrade. The layout is the same but the decor is totally different.
Next Tony goes to the police station to look through the mug books. Unknown location.
Then Tony hits the Overseas Highway to search for the hit man. I am not positive of the first over water shot but it looks likely that he is southbound leaving Lower Matecumbe Key.
Tony arrives in Marathon, Vaca Key to be exact, where he stops at the Vaca Cut Botel, Overseas Highway and 117th Street Ocean side. In the Google Earth picture below the Botel is still on location but it was torn down and the lot was for sale when I took the location pictures on October 8, 2008. All that remains is the old sign post and the large hardwood tree in the back.
This is the building seen at left in the screen capture above.
Then Tony heads back to the Hilton Fontainebleau to pick up his date before heading to a water front dinner. The restaurant footage was filmed at the Sip & Sup, 7899 NE Bayshore Ct. There is a condo building on the property now.
After eats, Tony heads to The Paradise Cove. Thanks to Dana Keith the Director of the Miami Beach Film Society and Cinematheque, I now know that the Paradise Cove was located at 728 NW 79th Street in Miami and the building is still there. The business is currently closed but the interior is largely unchanged. A video of the interior may be seen on youTube, titled Miami Dade County Building Officials Vs. Frank Sinatra. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gz7GGeFG0g Thanks Dana.
Tony returns to the P.D. then Tony heads down to a house boat marina. A big marina
but there is nothing like it today, Location Unknown. From there Tony goes back
to the old run-
The film ends at Tony’s Marina and the credits roll off the coast as the film started.
The End
At the Paradise Cove Tony gets a lead that the pusher lives at 36th and Jefferson. In real life those streets don’t meet. Tony goes to the dealer’s apartment. It looks like it was filmed on the beach. My bet is near the Corsair but location is unknown.
Red arrow points to Santini’s house.
The drive behind Tony has been redone but the gateway remains unchanged.
Building seen in background.
The mansion is now gone and 10 new homes were built on the property in the 90’s.
Then we go inside, Nuestro Paradiso.
If you recognize any of the unknown locations or have something else to add, please let me know at: